Tuesday, 1 June 2021

What Is Linux Terminal CLI and explanation about Prompt | Linux for Beginn...

In this video lecture I am talking about Terminal and it prompt

In short, if the screen shows a dollar sign ($) or hash (#) on the left of the blinking cursor, you are in a command-line environment.

$, #, % symbols indicate the user account type you are logged in to.

  • Dollar sign ($) means you are a normal user.
  • hash (#) means you are the system administrator (root).
  • In the C shell, the prompt ends with a percentage sign (%).
  • Tilde (~) sign means home directory that is the default directory when you first logging in

There are differences on prompts in different Unix or GNU/Linux distributions because of their default settings.

 For example, the prompt of Debian/Ubuntu is guest@linux:~$,

the one of Fedora/CentOS/RedHat is [guest@linux ~]$ and the one of SuSE Linux/OpenSUSE is guest@linux:~>.

 In general, the prompt usually show the login user name, machine hostname, and current working directory and ended with a dollar ($), percentage (%), or hash (#) sign.


  • guest - username: the user account you are logged in to.
  • linux - machine hostname: the machine you are operating.
  • ~ - current working directory: the directory you are in. Tilde (~) means home directory, i.e. the default directory when first logging in.

Lets do some practical-


Terminal windows and text consoles

To launch a text console in , click on the Terminal icon. You can find this by clicking on the dash iconin the top left corner of your screen, and typing 'terminal' in the search box, like this:Clicking on the Terminal icon will start a new terminal.

 The another way to open Terminal ,with shortcut is press Ctrl+Shift+T.

You will see some text that looks like this in the graphical terminal window or the plain text console  :Kali@Kali:~$

The text at the start of the line is called the “prompt” and its purpose is to prompt you to enter some commands.

 Note that the exact form of the prompt may vary depending on the names of your account and the machine.

The prompt can be changed but the default prompts on Linux have these components

:Kali The currently logged in user

@Separator KaliThe name of your computer

:Separator~The directory your session is “in”, also known as the “current working directory”. “~” is shell short hand for “your home directory”.

$Final separator –The Account type



Logging out

Once we are finished with a terminal or a terminal window we need to quit. We will illustrate three ways to do this.

Close the window In the graphical environment the terminal window is just another window. At its top right corner are the three buttons for minimising, maximising and closing. If you click in the [×] button the window is closed and the session cleanly ended.

The exit command In either a terminal window or a text console you can issue the command “exit”; this will end the session. In the graphical environment ending the session running in a window closes the window too. In a text console the console is typically cleared and a fresh login prompt presented.

[Ctrl]+[D]Recall that “[Ctrl]+[D]” means to press down the [Ctrl] key at the same time as the [D] key. In practice we press the [Ctrl] key down, press and release the [D] key, and then release the [Ctrl] key.On a Unix system [Ctrl]+[D] means “end of input”. Here it signals to the shell that we have no more input forit so it might as well quit. And quit it does


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