Tuesday, 15 June 2021

echo command in Linux | Linux for Beginners 2021


echo command in Linux | Linux for Beginners 2021

Video Linux of this tutorial :-

echo command is one of most basic as well frequently used command in Linux to display line of text or string and argument passed to echo printed to the standard output. This is build in command that is mostly used in shell scripting and batch files.

So lets echo command in linux. Open terminal

Run echo PATH


                It display a line of text on  standard output.

If you want to display the variable you need to add a dollar sign in variable. Syntax of command is echo options string. To display only text the syntax is echo text.

So run echo $PATH

This time it show the path environment variable that keep tracks certain directories of linux.

So hopefully remember cat shows the content of the file.

cat mytextfile

there is a single line in a “mytextfile”.

So you can add a new line to this file with the echo command. So run echo command type your text double greater then sign after file name - echo “a newline” >>mytextfile

After it see the content of the file with cat command cat mytextfile and here is line is added in the file.

Also we show in te cat command the single greater then symbol overwrites the entire content with the new line, just remember that-

Echo “a newline”  >mytextfile

Cat mytextfile

So as you see all content of the file is overwritten with a line.

Echo command is used to declare the value of variable and echo it value. For example declare a variable of x and assign its value =10


Lets echo its value. Run command echo thevalue of variable x = $x

The value of x =10

Using option \n backspace with backslash interpretor –e treats new line from where is used

Echo –e “gateway \nis \na \ncomputer \ntranning \ninstitute”

Using option \t horizontal tab with  backslash interpretor –e treats to have horizontal tab space

Echo –e “gateway \tis \na \tcomputer \ttranning \tinstitute

Using option \v vertical tab with  backslash interpretor –e treats to have vetical tab space

Echo –e “gateway \vis \va \vcomputer \vtranning \vinstitute


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