Saturday, 22 July 2017

E-Mail Configuration in Tally.ERP 9

E-Mail Configuration in Tally.ERP 9

Setting up e-mailing facility from Tally.ERP 9 is a one time configuration.
Configuring e-mailing facility from Tally.ERP 9 is easy and simple because the user has the option to select some of the commonly used e-mail service providers and based on such selection, various details like Server Address, Port Number and Authentication details are pre-filled.
In case you are using the e-mail facility of any service provider apart from the ones listed in Tally.ERP 9, then you can choose the option User defined, specify the respective details and start e-mailing reports instantly.
On successful configuration of e-mail in Tally.ERP 9, you can mail ledgers, Pay Slips, Outstanding Statements, Confirmation of Accounts, Reminder Letters etc. to various parties/customers without even using an external e-mail application.
To setup the E-Mail configuration in Tally.ERP 9,
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > E-Mailing
The E-Mail Configuration screen appears as shown:

  1. Select the required E-Mail Server from the list of Common Mail Servers displayed.
Note: In case you are not using any of the e-mail services listed, you can select User Defined and provide the other details as required.
  1. On selecting the required Common Mail Server, the server address and port number are pre-filled in Server Address field.
  2. In the Server Address field, enter the name of your SMTP server followed by the port number (E.g., or Contact the service provider or network administrator for further details.
  3. Based on the E-Mail Server selected, the option Use SSL is configured automatically. This option is used to correspond over a secured network or send mails using secured mail servers. E-Mail Service providers such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail use a secured network/server to communicate.
Note: E-mail Service providers user port 465 to communicate over a secured network
  1. Based on the E-Mail Server selected, the option Use SSL on Standard Port is configured automatically. Some of the service providers use the default port (port 25) to communicate over a secured network.
  2. By default, the From field displays the name of the company that is specified in the Company Creation screen.
  3. The From E-mail Address field displays the e-mail address entered while creating the company. Enter your e-mail address, if you have not done so or if you want to change the e-mail id. This will not be updated to the company master or retained for future use.
  4. In case the mail server requires authentication, enter the user name and password in Authentication User Name and Password fields respectively. (Please contact the System Administrator for further details)
  5. Select the required attachment format from the list of Formats displayed. The attachment in the selected format is mailed to the recipient. The format available and their respective parameters are listed below, click the corresponding link to know more about each format.
  6. ASCII (Comma Delimited)
  1. Excel (Spreadsheet)
  • To format the contents of the file, set the option Excel (Spreadsheet) formatting to Yes
  • Set With Colour to Yes  to retain the background colour in the exported file
  • To accept the default Output Sheet Name, press Enter or provide the sheet name of your choice
  1. HTML (Web publishing)
  • Select the required resolution from the list of Resolutions displayed. You may opt for higher resolution in order to get quality output. This option will appear only when the user has selected HTML (Web Publishing) format
  1. JPEG (Image)
  • Select the required page size from the list of Paper Sizes displayed
  • The Page Width, Height (in mms) is pre-filled for the standard paper sizes. The user needs to enter the paper dimensions in millimeters on selecting the option User Definedfrom the list of Paper Sizes
  • Select the required page orientation from the list of Page Orientations displayed
  1. PDF (Portable Data Format)
  2. Select the required page size from the list of Paper Sizes displayed
  3. The Page Width, Height (in mms) is pre-filled for the standard paper sizes. The user needs to enter the paper dimensions in millimeters on selecting the option User Definedfrom the list of Paper Sizes
  4. Select the required page orientation from the list of Page Orientations displayed
  5. XML (Data Interchange
  1. Set the option Show additional details for e-mail address to Yes to display additional details while selecting the e-mail address in the To E-Mail Address field or CC Tofield while e-mailing a report.
Note: Additional details here include details entered in the ledger master i.e., Ledger Name, the Contact Person Name and whether the e-mail address mentioned is a To/CC address.  
The completed E-Mail Configuration screen appears as shown:

Tally.ERP 9 is now configured to send e-mails.