Saturday, 5 March 2022

Pizazz - virtual presentations for Zoom

Create embedded virtual presentations to engage viewers and grab their attention.

Appear next to your content to represent how you do it in real life, and help viewers focus on you.

How not to lose your data in case Instagram and Twitter are blocked

How not to lose your data in case Instagram and Twitter are blocked.

Now a total blocking of social networks is still unlikely, but we would still recommend that you reassure yourself.

Here's a little instruction on what you should do first:

1️⃣ Request a copy of all your information from Instagram. You can do this by following this link. As a result, you'll get all of your media, posts, etc. in the mail.

2️⃣ Save all your tweets. This is easily done through this form

3️⃣ Request the same data from Facebook. We talked about how to do this in a previous post.

How to speed up a search with a weak Internet

How to speed up a search with a weak Internet 

Everything has a beginning, and the Internet probably begins with Google. As soon as a problem arises in our life that we have not previously encountered, very often to solve it we turn to the search engine of the same name.

Google Go - the same service as the usual Google, but without unnecessary tinsel: only search, only hardcore. It has almost all the features of "big brother", only in the application weighing only 8 MB. It is a must for countries with unstable or stably bad Internet, because it consumes up to 40% less Internet traffic.

For more than four years, this application is standard for budget smartphones with 2 GB of RAM or less, but the number of downloads over 500 million indicates that the application is in great demand among users of all smartphone models. Alas, it is only available on Google Play.