How to start Network in backtrack linux.
By default, Backtrack does not come with networking enabled The
easiest way to enable networking is through the terminal. Open a
terminal window by clicking on the terminal icon as shown by the
leftmost icon on the top of the screen.
Once the terminal opens, enter the following command:
This command will list all the available interfaces for your machine.
At a
minimum, most machines will include an eth0 and a lo interface. The
interface is your loopback interface. The “eth0” is
your first ethernet card.
Depending on your hardware, you may have
additional interfaces or different interface numbers listed. If you
are running Backtrack through a VM, your
main interface will usually
be eth0.
To turn the network card on, you enter the following command into a
eth0 up
Now that the interface is turned on, we need to get an IP address.
There are two basic ways to complete this task. Our first option is
to assign the address
manually by appending the desired IP address
to the end of the previous command. For example, if we wanted to
assign our network card an IP address of, we would
eth0 up
At this point, the machine will have an IP address but will still
need a gateway
and Domain Name System (DNS) server. A simple Google
search for “setting
up nic linux” will show you how to enter
that information. You can always
check to see if your commands
worked by issuing the following command into
a terminal window:
Running this will allow you to see the current settings for your
network interfaces. Because this is a beginner’s guide and for the
sake of simplicity, we will
assume that stealth is not a concern at
the moment. In that case, the easiest
way to get an address is to
use DHCP. To assign an address through DHCP, you
simply issue the
Please note, this assumes you have already successfully run the
command to turn up your network interface (eth0 in this case).
Now that we have successfully assigned an IP address, the last thing
to address is how to turn off Backtrack. As with most things in
Linux, there are multiple
ways to accomplish this task. One of the
easiest ways is to enter the following
command into a terminal
You can also substitute the poweroff command with the reboot command
you would prefer to restart the system rather than shut it down.