Monday, 19 April 2021

How to Use Nano Text Editor Commands in Linux

How to Use Nano Text Editor Commands in Linux

What is Nano?


GNU nano is a popular command-line text editor that is included in most Linux distributions. Its interface is comparable to other common GUI-based text editors, which makes it a popular choice for those who find vi or emacs commands non-intuitive. This guide shows you how to use Nano Text Editor Commands in Linux.

Why Edit Files in Linux Using Nano?


Editing files in Linux using nano is popular as compared to other editors like Vim because nano’s GUI makes it very easy to edit, save, and interact with your files. Other editors like Vim have relatively complicated usage requirements like switching to edit mode in order to input text.

Nano Set Up and Basic Commands


Nano is included with many Linux distributions by default, but you may need to install it through your distribution’s package management tool.

How to Install Nano Text Editor in Linux


apt install nano


yum install nano

Using Command Keys in Nano

When using nano, control characters orCTRL are represented by a carat or  power. For example, to cut a line of text, press CTRL, then simultaneously press K. This sequence of commands is represented as   powerK in nano.

Some commands use the ALT key in order to function, which is represented by M-. A command represented as M-R in nano is performed by pressing ALT, then simultaneously pressing R.


    By default, Mac users use ESC as the ALT key in nano.

Using Nano to Create And Open Files in Linux

Create a New File using Nano

Enter nano without any arguments to open a blank file for editing:


This opens up a blank new file in your terminal, where you can immediately make changes by entering text. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor.

The top bar displays your nano version, the filename or “New Buffer” for a blank file, and the modified status of the file. A partial menu of available commandsandshortcuts is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

For this tutorial, enter the following text into a blank nano file:

File: tutorial.txt


gatewaynano 1

gatewaynano 2

gatewaynano 3

gatewaynano 4

Save Your Work Using Nano

To save your work, use CTRL+O or  powerO or “WriteOut”. Nano prompts you to enter the name of the file if you are saving a new file. This saves the document and leaves nano open for you to continue working.

In your open file, enter CTRL+O or  powerO to save the text you entered above, type in tutorial.txt for the filename, then press ENTER or RETURN to save the file and continue.

Exit Commands for Nano Text Editor

Enter CTRL+X or  powerX to exit nano. If you have unsaved changes in your file, nano prompts you to save prior to exiting. Otherwise, nano exits without any prompts.

In tutorial.txt, enter a fifth line to the file so that it contains the following:

File: tutorial.txt

gatewaynano 1

gatewaynano 2

gatewaynano 3

gatewaynano 4

gatewaynano 5

Enter CTRL+X or  powerX to exit tutorial.txt. Nano prompts you to save your changes:

Next, enter Y to save your changes to tutorial.txt, then press ENTER or RETURN to save the file and exit nano.

From your terminal, check the contents of tutorial.txt to confirm that your new file has been created and saved as expected:

cat tutorial.txt

Linode nano 1

Linode nano 2

Linode nano 3

Linode nano 4

Linode nano 5

Save with Backups Using Nano

Use the -B option when starting nano to create backups of the previously saved version a file when new changes are saved. Backups are placed in the same directory as the modified file by default, or you can use the -C option to specify a directory.

For example, to open tutorial.txt and save backup files to the ~andbackups directory, exit nano and enter the following commands:

mkdir ~andbackups

nano -BC ~andbackups tutorial.txt

Now, when you save changes, you are also prompted to enter a filename for the backup. Enter the original filename for the backup, in this case tutorial.txt, to write the backup to a unique filename in ~andbackups.


    When using the -C flag, changing the backup filename causes nano to save the backup file in the original file’s directory instead of the specified backup directory.

Open an Existing File Using Nano

To open a file with nano within your current working directory, pass the filename as an argument:

nano  filename 


    If the file does not exist, nano creates it when you save any changes.


To practice, open your tutorial.txt file:

nano tutorial.txt

To open a file in a different directory, you can provide a path instead. To practice, exit nano or  powerX and create a new directory in your user home:

mkdir ~andlinode-nano-tutorial

Copy tutorial.txt to the practice directory:

cp tutorial.txt ~andlinode-nano-tutorial

Now open tutorial.txt from this new path:

nano ~andlinode-nano-tutorialandtutorial.txt

You can also open files with nano with the cursor at a specific line. The following command opens tutorial.txt at line 3:

nano +3 ~andlinode-nano-tutorialandtutorial.txt

Or you can open files at a specific line and column number. This command opens tutorial.txt at line 3 and column 8:

nano +3,8 ~andlinode-nano-tutorialandtutorial.txt

To open a file with nano as read-only:

nano -v  filename 

Open Configuration Files Using Nano

When editing lengthy files used to configure applications or system utilities, start nano with the -w flag:

nano -w  filename 

This flag prevents nano from wrapping lines that are too long to fit on your screen, which can create problems if configuration directives are saved across multiple lines.

Edit Files Using Nano Text Editor in Linux

Cut and Paste Lines of Text Using Nano

To cut a line of text, enter CTRL+K or  powerK.

To paste, move the cursor to where you want to place the text and enter CTRL+U or  powerU.

To cut multiple lines, use a series of CTRL+K or  powerK commands until you have removed all lines you wish to cut. When you paste them back with CTRL+U or  powerU, the lines are all pasted at once.

Valid Shortcuts in Nano Text Editor

To open up a list of valid shortcuts in nano, enter CTRL+G or  powerG to view the nano help text and use the arrow keys to navigate.

Here is a full list of shortcuts orand their alternative keys:


    The following are the shortcuts for GNU nano 3.2. These shortcuts may differ for you depending on which version of nano you are using.

  powerG    orF1      Display this help text

  powerX    orF2      Close the current buffer and Exit from nano

  powerO    orF3      Write the current buffer oror the marked region to disk

  powerR    orIns     Insert another file into current buffer oror into new buffer

  powerW    orF6      Search forward for a string or a regular expression

  power\    orM-R     Replace a string or a regular expression

  powerK    orF9      Cut current line oror marked region and store it in cutbuffer

  powerU    orF10     Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line

  powerJ    orF4      Justify the current paragraph

  powerT    orF12     Invoke the spell checker, if available

  powerC    orF11     Display the position of the cursor

  power_    orM-G     Go to line and column number

M-U             Undo the last operation

M-E             Redo the last undone operation

M-A   or  power6      Mark text starting from the cursor position

M-6   orM-  power     Copy current line oror marked region and store it in cutbuffer

M-]             Go to the matching bracket

  powerQ              Search backward for a string or a regular expression

M-Q   orM-     Search next occurrence backward

M-W   orM-     Search next occurrence forward

  powerB    or       Go back one character

  powerF    or       Go forward one character

  power    orM-Space Go back one word

  power    or  powerSpace  Go forward one word

  powerA    orHome    Go to beginning of current line

  powerE    orEnd     Go to end of current line

  powerP    or       Go to previous line

  powerN    or       Go to next line

M--   orM-_     Scroll up one line without moving the cursor textually

M-+   orM-=     Scroll down one line without moving the cursor textually

  power    orM-7     Go to previous block of text

  power    orM-8     Go to next block of text

M-or   orM-9     Go to beginning of paragraph; then of previous paragraph

M-   orM-0     Go just beyond end of paragraph; then of next paragraph

  powerY    orPgUp    Go one screenful up

  powerV    orPgDn    Go one screenful down

M-\   or  powerHome   Go to the first line of the file

M-and   or  powerEnd    Go to the last line of the file

M-   orM-      Switch to the previous file buffer

M-   orM-       Switch to the next file buffer

  powerI    orTab     Insert a tab at the cursor position

  powerM    orEnter   Insert a newline at the cursor position

  powerH    orBsp     Delete the character to the left of the cursor

  powerD    orDel     Delete the character under the cursor

Sh-  powerDel         Cut backward from cursor to word start

  powerDel            Cut forward from cursor to next word start

M-T             Cut from the cursor position to the end of the file

M-J             Justify the entire file

M-D             Count the number of words, lines, and characters

M-V             Insert the next keystroke verbatim

  powerL              Refresh orredraw the current screen

  powerZ              Suspend the editor orif suspension is enabled

M-}   orTab     Indent the current line oror marked lines

M-{   orSh-Tab  Unindent the current line oror marked lines

M-3             Commentanduncomment the current line oror marked lines

  power]              Try and complete the current word

M-:             Startandstop recording a macro

M-;             Run the last recorded macro

M-Del           Throw away the current line oror marked region

M-B             Invoke the linter, if available

  powerS              Save file without prompting

M-X             Help mode enableanddisable

M-C             Constant cursor position display enableanddisable

M-S             Smooth scrolling enableanddisable

M-$             Soft wrapping of overlong lines enableanddisable

M-#             Line numbering enableanddisable

M-P             Whitespace display enableanddisable

M-Y             Color syntax highlighting enableanddisable

M-I             Auto indent enableanddisable

M-K             Cut to end enableanddisable

M-L             Hard wrapping of overlong lines enableanddisable

M-O             Conversion of typed tabs to spaces enableanddisable

M-M             Mouse support enableanddisable

M-Z             Suspension enableanddisable

Search Text Using Nano


To search for text in a document, enter CTRL+W or  powerW. This opens a search prompt and a submenu of search-specific commands.

To practice searching for text with nano, open the tutorial.txt file you created in the Create a New File using Nano section above:

nano tutorial.txt

Next, open the search prompt by entering CTRL+W or  powerW, type in the word “nano”, then press ENTER or RETURN. The cursor jumps to the first instance of “nano” in line 1.

To find the next instance of “nano”, enter ALT+W orM-W. The cursor moves to the next instance of “nano” in line 2.

Find and Replace Text using Nano

To find and replace text, open the search menu with CTRL+W or  powerW, then enter CTRL+R or  powerR to open the “Search orto replace” prompt.

In your tutorial.txt file, search to replace “nano” and enter the replacement text “rocks”. Nano highlights the first instance of “nano” following your current cursor position, and provides several options on how to proceed with replacement:

Enter Y to replace the single, highlighted instance of the searched term.

Enter A to replace all instances of the searched term.

Enter N to skip the highlighted instance of the searched term and find the next instance.

Enter CTRL+C or  powerC to cancel the search to replace function.

Go to a Line Number using Nano

To go to a specific line number, enter CTRL+_ or  power_ and enter a line number with an optional, comma-separated column number. For example, enter 3,8 to place the cursor at column 8 of line 3.

You can also find this prompt by opening the search submenu with CTRL+W or  powerW, then entering CTRL+T or  powerT.

Alternatively, you can jump to a specific line and column when you first open a file with nano.

Spell Check Using Nano

Nano has a built-in spell checking feature, though it requires installation of the spell package.

Exit nano if it is open, then enter the following to install the spell package for your distribution:


apt install spell



yum install spell

Once you have installed spell, you can use the nano spell checking feature by pressing CTRL+T or  powerT while editing a file. For newer versions of nano, this command opens an execute function submenu, from which you can enter CTRL+S or  powerS to spell check.

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