Hello Friends, Welcome to my YouTube channel “Gateway
solutions”. How are you, Hope all of you are Safe and fine.
Today this is our fifth video of our course. In this video
we are going to learn” how to boot kali Linux after installation and How to
check network configurations.
Before starting class I am requesting to you please
subscribe my channel and press bell icon for upcoming video’s notifications.
Let’s start, start your virtual Box. It will show the
summary of our virtual machine. Our Ram is 2 gigabyte by default, I suggest
here if you have a more free Ram on host machine, increase it. And our network
is a NAT.
Click on Start button to boot kali Linux. As you see our
kali Linux is booting for first time.
We are at login screen. Use the default user credentials (both
username and password is kali) to login. One important change in kali Linux
2020.3 is the default user account is standard user means un-privileges user.
Kali is no longer uses a super user account group by default.
So enter kali in both input boxes i.e. username and password
and press enter.
Welcome to kali Linux 2020.3, normally a screen resolution
are automatically fetch your screen settings, if you have any resolution
problem you can change the scale of your screen.
First open up the display settings. To go resolutions tab
and select as per your screen.
2nd go to preferences and under it there is a
display tab, change to scale from scale tab as you want size of screen.
To view the changes, exit full screen and enter again.
Next let’s check network connection status. For this first
open terminal.
Run ifconfig command to display network settings
Kali user is a standard user so we get error.
Reason of error is ifconfig command is under the sbin folder
and required a root privileges to run it. So we have run this command with
Sudo ifconfig
Now command s executed.
Cd /usr/sbin
As you see I can run cd, pwd and ls command without sudo,
these commands does not required root user privileges and all commands under
sbin folder required sudo commands or root privileges.
Off course we have a more valuable solution to run commands
which wants root privileges. So we have not written to sudo with every command
to gain root privileges.
Use sudo su – command whenever you open new terminal. The hyphen
written without a username offers a login session with root user account by
So run sudo su –
Look at our terminal. We are now a root user.
We can check with a whoami command
So run whoami command
As you see we are root user. Now we can run any command
which required root privileges with sudo.
Run ifconfig
This is my ip address. If ifconfig did not obtain ip address
that means you has a problem with your network configuration.
Now our kali is booted successfully, our display and network
settings are ok.
I am going to finish this class. In next class we have to
learn how to setup or troubleshoot network connection if we have problem.
Thanks for watching. See you again in next video. Bye