Wednesday, 19 April 2017

VMware Workstation Installation Steps on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana

VMware Workstation Installation Steps on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana

Step 1: Update your Kali Linux and Install Required Packages for VMware Workstation

1. Login into your server as root or non-root user with sudo privileges and run the following commands to keep your system up-to-date.

1. Login into your server as root or non-root user with sudo privileges and run the following commands to keep your system up-to-date.
2. Run the commands below to install required packages for VMware Workstation to run properly.

Step 2: Download VMware Workstation Binaries

1. Download the VMware Workstation software binary from VMware official site. You will download script file like “VMware-Workstation-Full-11.0.0-2305329.x86_64.bundle”, by default this installer script file downloaded without execute permission, so you will need to give it in later step.
2. Go to the directory which contains the VMware Workstation binary file. File looks like “VMware-Workstation-Full-11.1.2-2780323.x86_64.bundle”.
3. Give execute permission for this installer file.

Step 3: Install VMWare Workstation on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana

1. Next, run the command below to begin the installation of VMware Workstation inside Kali Linux 2
2. Once the installer is running, you see the following window the screen.
Accept the license agreement to continue.
install vmware workstation on kali linux 2
3. Accept the license agreement again to continue.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
4. You can accept the default on this screen
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
5. Choose which admin user for Workstation Server. You can go with the default value.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
6. Choose directory for shared virtual machines or accept the default value.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
7. You can simply accept the default port 443 for Workstation Server.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
8. Enter your license key or simply skip for running it in trial mode. You can also enter your license key after the installation completed.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
9. Click Install to start the VMware Workstation installation on Kali
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana
10. Once you see “Installation was sucessfull” message, you can click Close button to exit the installer.
Install VMware Workstation 11 on Kali Linux 2 Sana

Step 4: Running VMWare Workstation on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana

After installing, go to Unity Dash and launch VMware workstation
Install VMware Workstation on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana
Congratulations, you’ve just successfully installed VMware Workstation on Kali Linux 2.0 Sana. I hope this article is helpful for you. If you liked it or found useful, feel free to like or share it.