Friday, 28 May 2021

Fix Kali Linux Internet Connection Fix Kali Linux Network Issue Linux ...

Fix Kali Linux Internet Connection | Fix Kali Linux Network Issue | Linux for Beginners 2021



Hello Friends, Welcome to my YouTube channel “Gateway solutions”. How are you, Hope all of you are Safe and fine.

Today this is our Sixth video of our course. In this video we are going to learn ” Fix Kali Linux Internet Connection | Fix Kali Linux Network Issue | Linux for Beginners 2021.

Before starting class I am requesting to you please subscribe my channel and press bell icon for upcoming video’s notifications.

Let’s start,  This is our last step that is fix network problem and run kali Linux. In this lecture I will assume that you have a trouble with network connections and I am going to give some solutions so you can fix the problem.

Hopefully you are not facing such a problem ,you can write these solutions so that you can sharpen your troubleshooting skills.

So shutdown the virtual machine because I want to look out the seetings

Now kali vm and click on settings->click on system tab.

I want to make Ram 3 gigabyte.

Now I ca click the start button, to Boot again.

Login screen appears ;-  username and password are both “kali”

Ok we are in again.

So lets check the network connection by clicking the network icon at the upper right hand corner.

So I think there is a problem in DHCP of the virtual machine, anyways we can live without DHCP as well.

I am looking at the wired connection. (Don’t be confuse even now you share the wireless connection of your Host machine its similar as a wired connection in the virtual machine.)

Lets open a Terminal for looking Networking service is running or not.

Type command :- sudo service networking and press tab twice to see the available commands of the service.

Network service does not have a status commands so I assume that it is not started and I am trying to start with command sudo service networking start (type and press enter & enteryour password when prompted.)

Check your network And if you you are still not connected this point , lets go to network settings

Click on kali icon (at upper left corner)

Type advanced network settings ( in search). Open by click on it when found.

I am close it to show you another way to open it.

You can also open it by right click on the upper right top corner and select edit connections

Now select the wired connection ( shown) and click on edit button under the wired tab.

I am going to the IPv4 setting tab and selecting the IP method and choosing Manual option by clicking on it.

Click on add button

I choose manual ip to kali. IP block of the my virtual network is so I choose a IP for this block is

Gateway is and I use Google dns as my dns i.e.

Now I can click the save button to save changes.

Ok I reboot the machine be sure that the changes are applied.

Rebooting kali

Boot completed

So open the terminal and first type command sudo su – to switch the user to root user so you don’t have to write sudo for every command that require root previleges.

Run ifconfig command to see ip addresses of kali

And it is manually assigned by us.

Lets ping a remote system for example Google dns

Run command ping and press enter

Yes we receive the response packages .

Our network is ok now.

We are going to double check over the web browser with visiting any website.

Open your web browser

Open any website

Yes website is opened

Now our network problem is fixed. Hope all is clear and if you have any query you can comment me in the comment section.

Thanks for Watching see you again in next video. Bye.

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Fix Kali Linux Network Issue ,

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