Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Man Command in Linux | Linux for Beginners 2021

The Man Command, man is the abbreviation of "Manual " so gives detailed information about the named command, including name, synopsis, configuration, description, options, exit status, return value as well as errors.

Manual is divided into multiple sections, so you can pass the section number as an argument to get a specifc section of the manual of a given command.

htis table shows the availabe sections. Section 1 is a default.is opens user command descrition if no section is given.

if you run man passwd command, it shows manual of the password command.

if you specify the section number for example 5, it will show the format of the file.

Lets switch to the kali-

Open Terminal and run command man pwd to see the manual page of the pwd command and it open the section 1 by default. press q when you want to quit.

what if we run the man man command offcourse it shows as the manual page of the man command.you can read it for reference.press q to quit.

This time run command with section number

man 1 passwd

1 is a default section of choosen user.

Lets see the section 5 of passwd command.

man 5 passwd

as you can see it shows the file format and conversions of the passwd command.

Hope you understand about man command if you have any query you can comment me below in the comment section.

Thanks for watching see you again n next video. Bye.


# LinuxforBeginners2021


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